Category: Linked

  • Linked: Behind the development of Redfall

    …to the makers of Redfall, the mediocre reception was no big surprise. The project suffered from unclear direction, frequent attrition and a perennial lack of staff, according to more than a dozen people who worked on the game. Jason Schreier Bloomberg’s Jason Schreier spoke to several anonymous developers about Redfall, and what led to the disastrous launch.…

  • Linked: Xbox “wasn’t involved” with Redfall

    Linked: Xbox “wasn’t involved” with Redfall

    I’m still gathering evidence on exactly why or how Redfall was allowed to release in this state […] However, I have been told by multiple sources that Xbox was entirely hands-off with the project, and that the game doesn’t fall under Xbox Game Studios’ director Matt Booty’s responsibilities — because rightly or wrongly, right now,…

  • Sony’s bumbling cloud gaming strategy

    Sony’s bumbling cloud gaming strategy

    Apropos of nothing in particular today… Sean Hollister writing for The Verge in 2019: Stop me if you’ve heard this one before: a video game platform that lets you play games with the press of a button, no need for discs or downloads… Experience the latest and greatest games on your ancient laptop, phone, or…

  • On Xbox and disappointment

    Windows Central’s Jez Corden hits the nail on the head here with an excellent opinion piece, following Arcane’s recent announcement that Redfall will launch missing a 60fps mode. At the end of the day, Xbox fans just want to see the platform they’ve invested in succeeding on the same level the competition seems to succeed,…

  • Consoles and Competition

    Ben Thompson goes on a 40 year deep dive of the video game industry then calls into question some of the FTC’s specific concerns with Microsoft’s acquisition of Activision Blizzard. Microsoft is willing to cannibalize itself to build a new business model for video games, and it’s a business model that is pretty darn attractive…