Category: Rolled Credits

  • Rolled credits: Control

    Rolled credits: Control

    Well, I definitely waited way too long to play this game. While you can fairly level a few criticisms at the game (an uninteresting skill tree, not enough definition in the weapon variety, the ending?) it’s an excellent game. More and more, I tend to vibe with a game based on how well-realised the world…

  • Rolled credits: Jedi Survivor

    Combat, movement, romance, drama – everything about Survivor was dialed up from Fallen Order. The levels are excellent, both in design and dressing, with gorgeous textures, foliage and lighting. Combat is tight and responsive, with much better boss balancing as compared to Fallen Order. Story and production are top-tier, which incredible music and sound, and…

  • Rolled credits: Planet of Lana

    Rolled credits: Planet of Lana

    Planet of Lana wears it influences on its sleeve, and while I don’t think it reaches the highest highs of Playground’s INSIDE, the fact that you can fairly compare the two is a huge compliment to Wishfully Studios – made even more impressive by the fact it’s their first game. Planet of Lana is a…

  • Sea of Thieves: Season 9

    Season 9 of Sea of Thieves introduced a big refresh for world events – both the frequency and tuning (nerfs, mostly). While some die-hard players have responded negatively to some of the challenge being removed, I think the upside has been worth it. Events popping more frequently and finishing more quickly means more activity on…

  • Rolled credits: Dredge

    Rolled credits: Dredge

    I’ve caught a lot of fish, but I haven’t caught them all yet. I’ve solved some puzzles and mysteries, but not all of them yet. And although I’ve rolled credits on the main story, I haven’t finished playing yet.

  • Rolled credits: Hi-Fi RUSH

    Rolled credits: Hi-Fi RUSH

    Well, that didn’t take long, and I’m already nearly half way through a New Game+ replay already. Hi-Fi RUSH is an absolute blast to play, and I feel like I’m finally mastering the rhythm based combat as I replay levels and continue to buy upgrades and new combos.

  • Rolled Credits: Celeste

    Rolled Credits: Celeste

    I bought Celeste in 2018, but for some insane reason I never finished it. I played up to the Mr Oshiro escape and then life* “got in the way” I guess?