Category: Games

  • Rolled credits: Control

    Rolled credits: Control

    Well, I definitely waited way too long to play this game. While you can fairly level a few criticisms at the game (an uninteresting skill tree, not enough definition in the weapon variety, the ending?) it’s an excellent game. More and more, I tend to vibe with a game based on how well-realised the world…

  • Now playing: Control

    Now playing: Control

    I started, then bounced off Control back when the Ultimate Edition first went on sale. At the time, I recall, there was a dire lack of save points in the game – which meant early on when I found a difficult room, I had to run down 8 hallways to get back to the death-room…

  • Rolled credits: Jedi Survivor

    Combat, movement, romance, drama – everything about Survivor was dialed up from Fallen Order. The levels are excellent, both in design and dressing, with gorgeous textures, foliage and lighting. Combat is tight and responsive, with much better boss balancing as compared to Fallen Order. Story and production are top-tier, which incredible music and sound, and…

  • Rolled credits: Planet of Lana

    Rolled credits: Planet of Lana

    Planet of Lana wears it influences on its sleeve, and while I don’t think it reaches the highest highs of Playground’s INSIDE, the fact that you can fairly compare the two is a huge compliment to Wishfully Studios – made even more impressive by the fact it’s their first game. Planet of Lana is a…

  • Now Playing: Planet of Lana

    Now Playing: Planet of Lana

    Planet of Lana wears it’s inspirations on its sleeve, but isn’t bound by them. As a huge (huge) fan of INSIDE and the Ori games, I wondered if PoL wouldn’t quite do enough to break free of the outrageous standard of quality and polish those games have set the genre. And while it doesn’t quite…

  • Now playing: Jedi Survivor

    Like what I assume is half the world, I’m playing Jedi Survivor at the moment. It’s incredible, taking everything from Fallen Order and dialling it up to 11 – the action, presentation, cutscenes, systems, stories, animation, environments. It’s very, very impressive. I’m playing at 30fps, quality mode. It does take some time to get used…

  • Now playing Redfall + the reviews are in

    I have to admit, after seeing gameplay leaks and slight hints of what the reviews would look like, I installed Redfall this morning to check it out for myself. Even with the middling reviews, everything people have been saying – even the not-so-great stuff – the idea of the game kinda started roping me in.…

  • Sea of Thieves: Season 9

    Season 9 of Sea of Thieves introduced a big refresh for world events – both the frequency and tuning (nerfs, mostly). While some die-hard players have responded negatively to some of the challenge being removed, I think the upside has been worth it. Events popping more frequently and finishing more quickly means more activity on…

  • Now playing: Minecraft Legends

    Now playing: Minecraft Legends

    I’m not sure about this one… Yet! I’m a few hours in, and I still feel like I need a few more to really settle into the gameplay loop. Great: But: All that said, it’s giving me enough to want to finish the campaign. Maybe I’ll check back in here after beating the first boss.

  • Cult of the Lamb update: Relics of the Old Faith

    Cult of the Lamb update: Relics of the Old Faith

    Massive Monster dropped the trailer for their new Cult of the Lamb update on today’s Nintendo Indie World Direct. The trailer showcases a few new buildings etc, but what really stands out is the amount of combat improvements and additions. I’d kind of forgotten how much the visual style of this game absolutely sings. And…

  • The Minecraft Legends reviews are in

    The Minecraft Legends reviews are in

    The Legends reviews are in, and they’re… fine? Quite good? OK? Mixed? Decent actually? Open Critic currently has Legends at 73 + 50% of critics “recommend” – which is, coincidentally, almost the exact score that Dungeons got – a game that I feel is still under-appreciated despite it having well over 15M players at this…

  • Rolled credits: Dredge

    Rolled credits: Dredge

    I’ve caught a lot of fish, but I haven’t caught them all yet. I’ve solved some puzzles and mysteries, but not all of them yet. And although I’ve rolled credits on the main story, I haven’t finished playing yet.